Our Camping in Camp out...and other fun things
So when you are newly married you usually don't have very much money. When you are students you usually don't have much time. Put those together and what do you get? The Jepsons. So one night we decided that we would try and make things a little interesting and have a camp in. Here are the results. (Forgive the game face. I always make stupid faces in pictures)
First we started out with a paper air plane contest. For those who are looking for something new to try I highly suggest this. We had a blast. Karl decided to name his "The Kendra Dominator!!". Our first test run was who's plane would go the farthest. I would have to say I dominated on that one. But Karl made a definite comeback and slaughtered me when it came to who's plane could make the most loops. It was really fun trying to come up with different little competitions, like who could get closest to the TV, who could stay up the longest, etc. We ended by throwing them off our third story balcony and seeing what happened. Mine was like a kamikaze bomber. After clearing the trees it went into a nose dive and landed vertically with its nose stuck in the ground. Karl's did a series of loops and flips. Who knew paper airplanes could be so fun?
Karl is getting settled in for the evening. We were fully equipped with couch seats for padding and popcorn for the movie. Really roughing it.
Our tent fit perfectly on the balcony. It was practically made for it.