Most of these confessions actually have nothing to do with being pregnant. I have just had a lot of time on my hands recently and for some reason that led to self reflection or something of the sort. So here are 10 Confessions of a Pregnant Lady.
1. I LOVE Celtic music. I started listening to it in high school and I was hooked. I tried learning Gaelic but that didn't go over so well so I will have to just be content listening to Celtic Woman. If I had a bucket list learning how to play the bagpipes would definitely be on it. I figure the blowpipe is kind of like an oboe reed so I am on the right track, right?
2. I have a love/hate relationship with chocolate. I love cocoa because I absolutely LOVE hot chocolate, brownies, texas sheet cake, etc. But I really really do NOT like chocolate in bar form. The chocolate bars I do like have only a thin coating, like Twix. And while chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorites, you can't actually put in the chocolate chips or you ruin it.
3. I am so excited to be having a little girl at the end of April, but I secretly hope that I will end up having twins that they somehow missed on the ultrasound.
4. I am also terrified that my little girl will actually be a boy (it happened to a friend in college). Not that having a boy would be a bad thing, I just happen to own a lot of pink baby clothes and dresses at the moment.
5. When I wake up in the morning I usually feel great and skinny and pretty and often forget that I am actually pregnant. Then I try to get out of bed.
6. I need checklists in order to get things done, and even that is iffy. I tend to get easily distracted. Sometimes I even write something on my checklist after I have already finished it just so I can cross it off and feel like I accomplished something.
7. I am a hoarder. I hate getting rid of things "in case we need it someday". And I just can't seem to turn down free things, which is resulting in a lot of clutter in our little apartment. But I just can't help myself. Especially when everyone is so nice and volunteering their stuff.
8. I am nowhere near as crafty as I think I am. I come up with grand projects and then either can't figure them out or get bored. Hopefully this will change soon.
9. I HATE the phrase "kiss on the mouth". I have run across this in more than one book. It seems to imply that you are eating the other person. Kiss on the lips just sounds SO much better. I think it is a lot more sweet and romantic.
10. I have pretty much no self control when it comes to dessert. I know I shouldn't be eating it yet I think "I'll just have one more" or "it's only a little", like this somehow justifies eating my body weight (which, due to pregnancy, is WAY more than it used to be) in cupcakes. This is becoming a huge problem now that I am seriously craving sweets and am home all day to actually make them.
So, those are my confessions for now. Hopefully I can get a few of them under control, and soon. :)
1 month ago