So for those who don't know I teach Sunbeams at church. That means I get to hang out with a bunch of 3-4 year olds for two hours each week. It can be stressful and drive me up the walls sometimes but I love it. I was in nursery for about a year before "graduating" with my kids into Sunbeams. So it has been a fun ride and I have loved seeing these kids grow and watch their little personalities develop over the years. They say some of the funniest things.
For example, last week we had our Primary Program. I was a little concerned because my kids really don't like to sit still and we were going to be in the front seats where the bishop usually sits, which is great for the parents who get to see their kids. Not so great when you have to try to keep them all in line. So I got to sit next to one kid who has a little harder time than the rest when it comes to behaving. We spent sacrament meeting trying to keep his shoes on, keep him in his seat when we weren't singing, trying to coax him to stand by his chair when he was, and look forward instead of making faces and poking the kids behind us.
But somehow we almost made it through the whole program without any major incidents. My class had parts towards the end and I was so proud when they got up there to say their lines. They did great. One little girl stood up, said her part, and then started bawling when she got back to her seat. I think she just got scared being up in front of all the people. So I moved over to try and calm her down while my "little friend" I had been trying to keep under control went up to say his part. Dun dun dun...
While I am trying to comfort the crying girl I hear "I can read good books" which is his part and is awesome, but he didn't stop there. He went on to say "they give me superpowers and I can KILL bad guys". Once he got yelling (since all little kids yell into the mic when they are that age) KILL over the podium one of the Primary Presidency ripped him away from the microphone but it was pretty funny. Everyone started laughing and all I could think was Yep, that's Dominic for ya.
So all in all it was a memorable Primary Program and for the most part it turned out great. So just remember, you should read good books because they will give you super powers. Whether you decide to kill bad guys or not is up to you.
1 month ago
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love the sunbeams during the program! It's really everybody's favorite part. To watch and see what some of them will do. That one is a classic, though!