Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was just thinking of how bizzare some traditions are. I mean, who decided that it would be a good idea to eat year-old cake as a way to celebrate being married? Would you want to save any of your other leftovers for a year and then see how they tasted? Just a thought. So here's a picture (I know, I look disgusting. Please overlook that.) of us commemorating a year with freezer burnt cake. Our cake actually still tasted pretty good but I'm thinking that if that tradition is going to continue it should be modified to like one month or one week instead of one year.


  1. Interesting thought, but you're totally right. I had never even heard of that tradition until my mom told me that she'd saved the top part of the cake for us. Bro. Bartle had to bring it up to Provo for us. Thankfully, it made it there safely.

  2. Yeah its weird I guess but our cake was awesome! Even a year later!
