Thursday, September 23, 2010

And Life Rolls On

This summer Karl was able to apply for Optometry Schools. His application was really strong and he decided to only apply to three schools to try and keep costs down. Two that he was seriously considering (Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee and Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon) and one as a back up (Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona.) He received invitations to both of the schools he was serious about and is still waiting to hear from the back up school. (To me this just confirms that that school is not for us. They are new and still pretty unorganized by the look of things.) So last weekend Karl went to his first interview all the way in Tennessee. I've never been there so here is a picture of downtown. (Apparently they have their own Luxor, or look-a-like. It will be just like home.) Here's a picture of the school and Eye Center, which is supposed to be amazing for the clinicals. The school is purely an optometry school, so no sharing equipment with medical students. It is supposed to be a really great, and competitive, program. I was a bit worried for Karl though. Apparently his hotel was in the ghetto bad side of town. If we go there we will be sure to stay clear of that area. But he survived and make it back to me alive. He found out on Wednesday, not even a week later, that he has been officially accepted!!! I am so proud of him. He has his interview in Oregon this weekend and will hopefully hear back from them in the next few weeks. So we are not on our way to Tennesse yet, but it's officially a possibility.


  1. Congratulations to both of you! Looks like you married a little smarty. I'm excited to find out where you'll be! And had me laughing OUT LOUD about inserting the catheter and not knowing where to put it because of the patients "little bit different" anatomy. Too funny. Enjoy your clinicals! You'll be great!

  2. Wow! Congrats to you guys! That seems like so far away but I'm sure it would be a great experience. I'm glad that Karl got into a great school. good luck with it.

  3. That is so exciting that you know where you're going. I'm so glad he got accepted, but Tennessee is really far away...that part makes me not so glad.
