Monday, December 6, 2010

Couches, Count-Downs, and Christmas

Well Christmas is fast approaching, bringing with it the end of the semester. Thank Goodness. I know my finals are going to be rough, and Karl's will probably be worse, but at this point I just don't care very much. I just want them to be done. So that's what we are counting down to. In roughly 11 days Karl will be done with his undergrad (and I will be done with one more semester)! I am so proud of him. He has worked so hard and it's paid off.

There have been some changes around the house in the past month. When Cami and James left they took their lovely couch that was in the front room, so it was completely empty. That meant we got to go furniture shopping! But not for us, with Rachel, which I think is even better. I got to see all the furniture, find things that I really liked, but in the end I didn't have the final stress of having to pick THE ONE (or pay). So here is the new living room.

We also got Rachel an early Christmas present, which we have been enjoying for the past month or two. You've got to admit, some presents are just too exciting to wait for. Especially when there are football and Jazz games to be watched. This makes it a little easier to see than the other tv we had been using.

And for those of you who have never been able to visit I thought I would post a picture of our, well, Rachel's house, in which we currently reside. Thanks Rachel!
We are right across from the club house, pool and hot tub (which unfortunately is not in operation during the winter months)
And finally, here's is our Christmas tree. We got it over thanksgiving with my family and brought it back to Utah in our trunk. It fell over twice while we were attempting to set it up, breaking a few ornaments and landing on one of Rachel's friends, but eventually we won and the tree now stays up all by itself. Now if finals would just end we could sit by the tree sipping hot chocolate and watching a Christmas movie. Fortunately the countdown has begun.


  1. Hahaha, I would be surprised if you got a tree that DID stay up the first time.

  2. I LOVE IT!!!!! It looks awesome!!! Can't wait to see it in person when we come! And did YOU guys really give Rachel that TV??? It looks awesome! I can't think of anything she would want more!

  3. Holy cow you got her a TV?! You guys are nice siblings!!! and I think your tree looks very nice... keeping it upright is a really big challenge sometimes hahaha

  4. Cute Tree! I love Christmas and have been counting down since before Thanksgiving. You're house is cute and I love the new furniture. I'm just a little jealous of the TV. Thats one awesome sister you've got there!
