Friday, June 15, 2012

Our Summer, Shots, and Crafts

 So here is a quick update of what we are up to the summer.

 Karl is working at a golf course. He is a grounds crew person and gets to leave for work at 4:30 every morning, pouring rain or shine. It is kind of intense. This is not your rinky dink golf course. It is called Pumpkin Ridge and is up there as one of the best in the country. Later this summer it is hosting a Ladies PGA tournament, which it does every year. But Karl gets free tickets so we might get to go! (depending on Paige). I don't know how much I will like watching golf live, I am not a huge fan of it on TV, but it would be a new experience. And we get to go golf there for free whenever we want. Karl has gone a few times and thinks it is pretty fun.
Paige and I just stay home and hang out. We are still trying to figure out how to sleep at night and get on a schedule so it is pretty interesting. I am starting to look for jobs because Oregon requires work hours to renew your license, there is no option to do it with continuing education credits. Which is good, it forces me to try and find a job and actually use my degree. But I really don't want to leave Paige. I like spending all day with her. Therein lies my dilemma.

Paige got her first round of shots today. I was so grateful Karl came with us. I almost started crying, I just hate seeing Paige in pain. But she was a trooper and had been wanting to cuddle and sleep ever since.

Here is her leg of band-aids.
 Since I am at home all day and stay up late by myself (Karl has to go to bed early for work and Paige likes to stay up late...and all night) I have started working on crafts. I am really getting into crochet. Here are a few hats I have made for a friend. She is being induced on Tuesday with her own baby Paige so I used mine as a model.
 I think they turned out pretty cute. Now I am going to make some for my Paige then move on to shoes. I really want to make little rain boots.

So that is us. Karl works hard, Paige is super cute, and I sit around a crochet. :) And here is one last pic of Paige to end with.


  1. SO CUTE!! We need to skype again. She is getting big quickly. I think you also need to teach me how to crochet. Not sure when I'd find time to do it, but those hats are darling! What a great talent.

  2. I'm totally impressed by your crocheting! I'm trying to find something to do while I sit around the house. I've knitted lots of washcloths but I need something cuter haha
